International Conference “Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue and Preservation of Cultural Heritage by UNESCO Clubs”
The Conference was held in Yekaterinburg within the framework of the Executive Board of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations on 25-26 April 2017 and was attended by the President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs Mr. Dhirendra Bhatnagar and representatives of National Federations of UNESCO Clubs of Europe.
The Conference was opened with speeches about the experience of National Federations of UNESCO Clubs’ activity in international dialogue promotion and preserving of cultural heritage of people. Following the results of the Conference the participants adopted the resolution, its goals and targets for UNESCO Clubs to promote international dialogue.

Preservation of cultural heritage – the path for cooperation between the UNESCO clubs of Russia and Vietnam
Within the framework of cooperation of the Vietnamese National Federation of UNESCO Associations, the Ural-Siberian Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations, the publishing house “Bank of Cultural Information” and the Information and Education Center of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations the first issue of the “National Treasure of Vietnam” book series, “Hue Citadel – History and culture” was published.
The “Hue Citadel – History and Culture” album, published in three languages (Russian, Vietnamese and English), is the first international project carried out by the Federations in cooperation with the publishing house for studying, preserving and promoting cultural and natural heritage.
Hue is a significant city in Vietnam history; it is the former capital of the country and the Citadel of the last imperial dynasty Nguyen. In addition, the city still remains one of the leading cultural centers of Vietnam, and its history goes back more than seven centuries.
The Hue Citadel itself is undoubtedly a unique object of great historical and cultural interest. It was the first object in Vietnam to be included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 1993 This research album is not just a guide to the oldest city of Vietnam, it represents people and national traditions, significant places and symbols, traditional Vietnamese cuisine and imperial music, philosophy and religion of the country.
Preservation of the Cultural Heritage
The main purpose of the program is to involve a civil society to the implementation of the programs and projects of studying, preserving and promoting the cultural heritage.
Culture reflects our essence and forms our self-awareness. It is a necessary condition and a driving force for economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development.
In today’s interconnected world, culture’s power to transform societies plays a major role. Heritage constitutes a source of identity and cohesion for communities. UNESCO is convinced that development cannot be sustainable without a strong culture component.
To implement the program of Preservation of Cultural Heritage, the Ural-Siberian Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations promotes moral values in the cultural space in the context of mutual respect and open dialogue between cultures; realizes educational projects and raises awareness of the UNESCO and World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations programs in studying, preserving and promoting of cultural heritage.