NAUCP Extends Assistance to Typhoon Ompong Victims by Mrs. Noemi T. Cabaddu
The National Association of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines (NAUCP) St. Paul University Philippines (SPUP) Community Extension Services Unit, extended assistance to the victims affected by Typhoon Ompong in Baggao and Penablanca municipality on October 13-14, 2018.
In Baggao, Cagayan
On October 13, 2018, the SPUP-CES Staff together with the officers of the National Association of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines (NAUCP) and the Paulinian Volunteers for Community Development (PVCD) conducted a relief operation dubbed as “Bangon Luzon”, an initiative aimed at giving aids to typhoon victims through the distribution of teachers’ kits and school supplies to elementary and high school children in Baggao who are heavily affected by the typhoon. There were 300 pupils from Tueg Elementary School in Brgy. Bitag Grande, 30 high school students from the Science Agri-Based Entrepreneurial High School (SABEHS) in Brgy. San Jose and 20 school teachers who received school kits and a set of school supplies kit.
In Penablanca, Cagayan
The following morning, October 14, 2018, the same team proceeded to Brgy. Agugaddan, Penablanca to provide aid to more than 50 IP children whose households and day care center were damage due to strong wind and rain. The parents of the IP children was relieved of the burden of buying new school supplies for their children and were thankful for the assistance SPUP and its partners extended them. A short psycho -social session was also carried-out where the children enjoyed drawing, writing, story-telling and games
The relief operation “Bangon Luzon Project” was made possible because of the concerted effort and partnership between SPUP and NAUCP where the PVCD UNESCO Club is an active -accredited member.
After receipt of the letter of request from Mrs. Noemi Cabaddu, Dr. Serafin Arviola, NAUCP Chairman and PNU Extension Director led the call for donations to the NAUCP member organizations, he also facilitated the transport of the donated goods to SPUP. SPUP is grateful to all the donors who generously shared their resources and to the officers and volunteers from NAUCP who travelled from Manila namely, Prof. Jonathan Jaime Guerrero, President, Ms. Alice Pedracio & Ms. Kate Hipolito); and the SPUP community led by Sr. Marisa Tumbali, SPC, (VP for Administration), staff and volunteers.

Sr. Marisa Tumbali, SPC, VP for Administration and PVCD volunteers preparing the school supplies for distribution to children in Tueg Elementary School, Brgy. Bitag Grande, Baggao

Photo taken after the school supplies distribution in Tueg Elementary School, Brgy. Bitag Grande, Baggao, Cagayan

A pose after the distribution of school supplies in Tueg Elementary School. In the photo: NAUCP Officers, PVCD Volunteers and SPUP Representatives headed by Sr. Marisa Tumbali, SPC